The Leaders Council of Great BritAIn and NOrthern Ireland
Andrew Crook - NFFF President
October 24, 2020

On Friday, Craig Maw and myself were invited to attend a seminar hosted by the leaders council comprising of a question and answer session with the Right Honerable Lord David Blunkett. The Leaders Council pulls together key people to form a think tank and it was an honour to be able to attend and learn a little more.

Lord Blunketts main message was that we probable face this situation for a while and its important that we try to spread a bit of positivity. It is easy to spread negative news but, especially heading into winter, we need to look for positives and pull together. I think the recent ‘Free meals for kids’ event many shops have got behind is a great example of how we can start spreading a bit of positivity and show there still is a community spirit and that we can support each other.

It was useful to get an insight in how other sectors have been affected by the pandemic, and also how they are adapting to overcome it, it was also good to get Lord Blunkett’s view of the situation. Without the economy you cant have health so we must do everything we can to keep the economy going. Hopefully we can keep our part of the economy moving over winter, we may face a few hurdles due to illness but I think the changes we have made can help to keep us trading and do so safely for all concerned.

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