Invitation to participate in survey – Review of Seafish event and business to business marketing activities
Many event related projects that have previously been run by or supported by Seafish, have been heavily impacted during the global Covid-19 pandemic.
This has included the postponement of such Seafish projects as the annual National Fish & Chip Awards, the Seafood Restaurant of the Year Competition, the hosting of the UK Seafood Summit, and also attendance by us at a number of consumer-facing seafood festivals.
In light of the postponement of many such events and the curtailment of our activity in related areas, we are currently looking at our calendar of events, and appraising ways in which we can continue to support industry in a world where the format of ‘real world events’ has changed considerably.
This spring we are engaging with seafood businesses, to ascertain what might work best for industry, moving forward. Our ambition is to produce plans, supported by the sectors they represent, with regards to future business event related activity.
It is Seafish’s duty as a public body to find the most effective and efficient way to deliver benefits to businesses and all of this work feeds into our purpose – to support a thriving seafood industry in the UK. Any event related plans will also seek to fit into the overall strategy of our new consumer marketing initiative, Love Seafood ( – helping to change attitudes and perceptions about the value of seafood in the diets of consumers.
Seeking your views
Seafish are seeking views from across the seafood sector throughout the UK, to inform the questions we are asking and help us to reach a proposed plan for B2B activities under our overall strategic approach to marketing.
As part of thier activity review process Seafish would like to invite stakeholders to participate in a short questionnaire-style online survey – taking no more than a few minutes of your time.
In due course Seafish will analyse all the views submitted and summarise these to ensure they have captured all views and perspectives. Seafish will appraise collated views against thier overall strategic approach to marketing, and, based on this, prepare proposals for what Seafish can best do in terms of B2B activities to contribute to our strategic objectives.
Developed proposals will be presented to Sector Panels ( for discussion, and Seafish will prepare subsequent activity plans based on views expressed. Implementation will depend on available budget and resources.
The survey process is being facilitated by an independent survey management company, White Space Strategy (, and all submitted responses to the survey will be treated with due confidentiality.
The survey will remain open to participation until midnight on 30 April 2021. To participate in and complete the survey, please click the button below.