The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) have published a consultation on the Carrier Bag Levy in Northern Ireland (NI) and welcome the views of everyone across NI
The consultation aims to review the Carrier Bag Levy legislation currently in place in Northern Ireland with the aim of further reducing the number of carrier bags in circulation to support positive environmental change.
DAERA is seeking views from stakeholders, industry and the general public on the following proposals:
A – Proposal to increase the levy on all carrier bags to a minimum of either 20 pence or 25 pence.
B – Proposal to simplify exemptions by:
- Removing the exemption for bags which are sold to customers for a sum of not less than 20 pence each.
- Removing the exemption for gusseted liners used to line or cover boxes, crates or other containers of a similar nature.
- Removing the exemption for bags used on board ships, trains, aircraft, coaches, buses and in areas designated as security restricted (with the exception of Security Tamper Evident Bags (STEB)).
- Removing the exemption for bags made wholly from paper with no gusset or handle and with maximum dimensions of 175mm x 260mm.
- Removing the exemption for bags made wholly from plastic, with no gusset or handle with maximum dimensions of 125mm x 125mm.
- Removing the exemption for bags made wholly from paper, with no handle with maximum dimensions of 80mm (wide) x 50mm (gusset width) x 155mm (height).
- Introducing an exemption for bags of any material with no handle, to include a gusset width no greater than 50mm and maximum dimensions of 125mm x 155mm.
Read more on the background to the consultation and ways to respond.
This consultation will close on Tuesday 27 July 2021.