Why did you sponsor NF&CD?
We see National Fish & Chip Day as an excellent way to support the industry and all the shops within it. In these difficult times, every shop in the Country has a chance to be involved on the day and to tap into a collective promotion of all things good about the product. Every shop can get involved, either in a large or small way and every shop can benefit from the work that NEODA puts into the day.

What were the highlights for you?
There were lots this year as we have absolutely no doubt that 2023 was the best year so far for the day. The roadshows were amazing, the new merchandise really stood out and captured the fun part of the day but I thought the posters inviting the shops and members of the public to get involved really helped to get the message across.

What did you do to maximise your sponsorship?
Lots of things! For Middleton’s, the sponsorship package works both ways. It helps us to help the industry but also allows us to cement our standing as a leading manufacturer in the trade and a supporter of every business big or small. We organised our own charity frying day to support local good causes, called on shops around the Country supplying posters and merchandise as well as supporting all the roadshows and frying events on the actual day. We used our social media to give away merch packages, door opening signs and free stock as well as sponsoring the QR prize on the posters. We advertised the day on an electronic advertising banner next to the M6 motorway, pushed the day via our in-house sales team and put links to the downloadable merchandise on our website. Our sales team love the day, and everyone enjoys getting involved.

Why should other people sponsor?
The more the merrier. The reach that the day generates cannot be overemphasised for the spend that is involved. As an Industry, we have always wanted to be able to promote Nationally and National Fish & Chip Day gives us the best chance of doing that as a collective. The better the day does, then the better that is for everyone involved.

Would you sponsor again?
We already have! We can’t wait for the involvement around the 80th anniversary of D-Day…it’s going to be really special. Next year’s event will take place on Thursday 6th June 2024.
A quote from Middletons about your involvement?
National Fish & Chip Day is a truly unique way for everyone associated and involved in the Fish and Chip Industry to come together to push everything that is so special about the trade and the dish. People love Fish and Chips, and the day gives us the chance to let the public be involved and to remind them that Fish and Chips and the people that serve them are a national treasure. Get involved and help make the day bigger and better, year on year.