NFFF and Cornish Fish Producers Organisation team up to showcase Cornish seafood
Andrew Crook - NFFF President
October 16, 2024

On Tuesday the 15th of October a delegation of fish Friers descended on Newlyn harbour to take part in a study trip to discover some of the under utilised species which may be viable options for the fish and chip sector. The trip was attended by NFFF President Andrew Crook who has been working on the spurdog project with the CFPO for several months.

Lawrence Hartwell holding a spurdog

the day started at 5.30am with a tour of the fish market hosted by Lawrence Hartwell. With his expert knowledge the were shown many of the abundance of species landed at Newlyn, from skate to blue fin tuna.

Keiron Bulpit with a blue fin tuna

The group then had a harbour tour followed by a tour of a fishing vessel and a local processing facility.

The Chief Executive of the CFPO, Chris Ranford, gave a brief presentation about the work of the organisation and some of the challenges they have when it comes to reestablishing a market for some species now the fishermen are allowed to land them, spurdog being the main one. With such abundant stocks it could be a viable option for many fish and chips to not only help hit a price point but also support the domestic fishing fleet.

Hake on the market on ice

The last visit of the day was to a large fish processor called Falfish. Falfish specialise in processing for supermarkets and wholesalers. Whilst mackerel is the main species they process there were many other species being handled in the factory including spurdog, which were then taken up to the test kitchen for the group to sample.

If you would like to take part in future study trips or would like to hist one then please let us know.

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