National Fish and Chip Awards 2025 – Sponsor Announcement: JFK
Charlie Bennett
January 9, 2025

We are proud to announce that JFK will be sponsoring the Community Engagement Award and the Sponsor’s Drinks Reception at the National Fish and Chip Awards 2025

As one of the major seafood industry players, JFK brings together tradition and experience to create excellence.

JFK is a solid supplier of products from sustainable fisheries, leading the way in the Faroe Islands. The Faroese have had a strong connection with supplying fish to the UK  for over 100 years.

JFK has been run by local Faroese families for generations.   Last year saw  the launch of the new Frozen at Sea vessel, the Gadus, showing how JFK is investing in the future of the fishing industry, particularly with a  focus on reducing energy and carbon emissions. 

The Gadus catches, processors and delivers fresh fish frozen at sea, caught with a low CO2 emission, and nothing is wasted, as the Gadus has operations to utilise the entire fish. Therefore, allowing the business to continue to provide premium  frozen at sea fillets of cod and haddock to the UK.

Frozen at Sea fillets from the Gadus are a premium product, the fillets are firm in texture and freezing within 2-4 hours of being caught locks in the quality, nutrients and flavour. 

The UK’s fish and chip industry prefers a selection of standard portion sizes, which frozen at sea fillets guarantee. Shops are encouraged to give consumers the opportunity to make more informed decisions, by standardising and expanding the range of available portion sizes. This helps to reduce waste, improve margins  and provide more clarity around nutritional information.

JFK values corporate responsibility and community support. The local football team in Klaksvík made it to the conference league, becoming the first in Faroese history. JFK is their primary backer, as well as all local sports in the Faroe Islands.

As a result, it is with great enthusiasm that JFK are supporting and sponsoring the Community Engagement Award at the 2025 National Fish and Chip Awards.

Contact your local UK supplier and ask for Gadus.


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